Our Farewell Picnic

Last day, my school held an event in order to release students who will graduate soon. We went to Yogyakarta. Started from 6:00 a.m til 11:30 p.m. So much fun that day! We laughed a lot, and that I still couldn't imagine that I would to part with them ;(

Our second destination were going to Kaliurang. Temperatures here reach 17-20C. Normally at 3:00 a.m, in this environment is foggy up to rain. Our visibility just could reach 1 meter, but fortunately at that time we didn't exposed to rain :)

Photo by Adityo Pradipto, Ainun Afifah, Dinda Viera, Gherry Naufala, Pratama Ridzki, and Rosita Dewi
Camera by Pratama Ridzki, and Rosita Dewi



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